• Farina, A., Eldridge, A. and Li, P., 2021. Ecoacoustics and multispecies semiosis: Naming, semantics, semiotic characteristics, and competencies. Biosemiotics, 14(1), pp.141-165.
  • Eldridge, A., 2021, July. Listening to Ecosystems as Complex Adaptive Systems: Toward Acoustic Early Warning Signals. In ALIFE 2021: The 2021 Conference on Artificial Life. MIT Press.
  • Sheng, Z., Pfersich, S., Eldridge, A., Zhou, J., Tian, D. and Leung, V.C., 2019. Wireless acoustic sensor networks and edge computing for rapid acoustic monitoring. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 6(1), pp.64-74.
  • Carruthers-Jones, J., Eldridge, A., Guyot, P., Hassall, C. and Holmes, G., 2019. The call of the wild: Investigating the potential for ecoacoustic methods in mapping wilderness areas. Science of the Total Environment, 695, p.133797.
  • Moscoso, P., Peck, M. and Eldridge, A., 2018. Emotional associations with soundscape reflect human-environment relationships. Journal of Ecoacoustics, 2(1), p.1.
  • Eldridge, A. and Kiefer, C., 2018, July. Toward a synthetic acoustic ecology: Sonically situated, evolutionary agent based models of the acoustic niche hypothesis. In ALIFE 2018: The 2018 Conference on Artificial Life (pp. 296-303). MIT Press.
  • Moscoso, P., Peck, M. and Eldridge, A., 2018. Systematic literature review on the association between soundscape and ecological/human wellbeing.
  • Eldridge, A., Guyot, P., Moscoso, P., Johnston, A., Eyre-Walker, Y. and Peck, M., 2018. Sounding out ecoacoustic metrics: Avian species richness is predicted by acoustic indices in temperate but not tropical habitats. Ecological Indicators, 95, pp.939-952.
  • Eldridge, A., Casey, M., Moscoso, P. and Peck, M., 2016. A new method for ecoacoustics? Toward the extraction and evaluation of ecologically-meaningful soundscape components using sparse coding methods. PeerJ, 4, p.e2108.
  • Guyot, P., Eldridge, A., Chen Eyre-Walker, Y., Johnston, A., Pellegrini, T. and Peck, M., 2016. Sinusoidal modelling for ecoacoustics. Annual conference Interspeech (INTERSPEECH 2016), Sep 2016, San Francisco, United States. pp. 2602-2606.